Saint Kabir Das born in Year 1398 A.D.(71 years before Guru Nanak). Kabirpanthis (followers of Kabir) say that he lived upto the age of 120 years and give date of his death as 1518, but relying on the research of Hazari Prased Dwivedi, a British Scholar has said that 1448 is probably the correct date of Saint Kabir's demise.
I have been moved by his Dohas since childhood. Doha means 2 lines and all his teachings about life and this world come in the form of Dohas. I loved reading the Dohas and explanation on the website I will try to present one Doha at a time with its explanation and would love to hear from you all what your thoughts are.
JO SUKH MEIN SIMRAN KAREN, TOH DUKH KAHE KO HOI.Kabirji has in this Doha tried to explain to us that everyone remembers God when ever there is a problem, but not during our good times. But if we were to remember him even in our good times, then we would not have bad times at all.
Whenever we have some problem in our life, we immediately turn to God for a solution and an end to our misery. But very rarely do we remember to Thank Him when good things happen to us. Many of us pray everyday but sometimes it just becomes like a part of our routine. I think what he means to tell us that if we remember God all the time, we will have fewer problems, we will have more strength to deal with our problems, and they would not appear to be as big as they seem.